Its a sunny tuesday afternoon in this east Atlanta coffee shop, while i sip this Expresso i start to think where would i be if i had no fans.Where should i start, the love that i recieve from the public is over-welming, and to think, people told me i would never make it as a rapper. They hated and hated, but......it was because of people like YOU that made me able to chase a dream untill i caught it, Like I always say "Your Dreams & wishes are all behind lifes doors, keep knocking and eventually one will open" i like to live by that. When i 1st started i had no idea where i could take this thing, who knew i would have fans in Canada, Switzerland, Finland, UK, Spain, France, Germany & Austrailia. I sometimes get fan mail from places i never even new existed such as Qatar. I would just like to take the time to thank u. No one ever thanx the fans, they thank alot of people but never really take the time to acknowledge the ones who make this possible. I have had a ruff life and have over come alot of pain. Its like the fans are my personal shrinks, because i speak to u, and u listen, i release my anger to u, and i share with u my happy moments... Wit out this music i would have followed a very different path, maybe even be dead or in jail. But..... I'm not, because i have you to work hard for, i have you to please, and it is you that will look down on me if i do some dumb shit and mess up everything i have going for my self. Its almost as if i feel like i cant let u down, even more than i feel about myself. Every time i record i think, damn what if they dont like this, or what if they think my last cd was better? but it is that train of thought that makes me go harder than ever, its just something about the love u give that makes me turn that mic on and record even when i dont feel like it, 2 my fans I love you 4ever so i hope u feel the same....................................... G.A.G.E